Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Enrichment Hub Winter 2014 Registration is Open!

The Enrichment Hub's Winter 2014 Schedule is finished, and registration is now open! Please contact me ASAP via email to reserve space in these classes.  There are many new opportunities, and many returning favorites. Enjoy!  Feel free to share these classes in the home educating community. All are welcome.
Glance at the blog for other opportunities, if you are not yet on our Yahoo group.
1st hour, 9:50 - 10:45 AM
Literature, The Giver
ages 12 & up, $58
Art with Carmen, Four Seasons  
9:30-10:45, 9 & up, $78 + $18
Great American Leaders
ages 12 & up, $58
Song Composition
ages 10 & up, $86
Candy Making
ages 10 & up, $58 + $28
Myth Debunkers
ages 9 & up, $58 + $5
Minion or Monster Crocheting!
ages 8 & up, $72 + $15
Highland Dance with Mrs. Jen
ages 7 & up, $72
Theatre Kidz!                       
ages 6-12, $72
Cross Fit Kids                     
ages 6-11, $58
Ballet/Tap with Ms. Deanna
ages 6 & up, $58
Spanish Fun Continues
ages 5-9, $58
We've Got the Beat!
ages 5-9, $58 + $5
Broadway Babies
ages 3-5, $58
French for Tots (and Parents!)
ages 2-6, $58 + $4

2nd hour, 10:50 - 11:45 AM
Algebra in Reverse
ages 13 & up, $58 + $2
Art with Carmen, Self-Portrait
10:50-12:00             12 & up, $78 + $15
Wars of America
ages 12 & up, $58
Young Adult Entrepreneurs
ages 12 & up, $58
Improv Starters                        
ages 8-13, $72
Cake Decorating
ages 8 & up, $58 + $35
Hip Hop, Intermediate & Up     
ages 8 & up, $72
Drum/Ear Training
ages 8 & up, $86
Guitar, Group Lessons
ages 8 & up, $72, BYO Guitar
Creative Writing Prompts
ages 8-11, $58
The Horse and His Boy
ages 7-12, $58 + $2
Spanish Fun Begins
ages 5-9, $58
French for Kids                    
ages 5-11, $58 + $4
Early Scientists
ages 5-9, $58 + $10
Tiny Tots Tap!
ages 3-7, $58
More Adventures in Literature
ages 3-6, $58
Parent/Tot Room, FREE, Open to ALL
Parent Class!  Holy and Healthy
any parents, FREE!
Lunch Break, 11:45-12:15, BYO Lunch
3rd hour, 12:20 - 1:15 PM
The Dark Genius of Edgar Allen Poe
ages 12 & up, $58
Robotics, Programming (Cars)
ages 12 & up, $58 + $10
Theatre Teens                          
ages 12 & up, $72
Great Battles of American History
ages 12 & up, $58
Music Production (think Dubstep)
ages 12 & up, $86
Art with Carmen, Acrylics                         
12:20-1:35            ages 9 & up, $78 + $16
Sing Out!                                   
ages 8 & up, $58 + $10
Crafting Corner
ages 8 & up, $72 + $10
Guitar, Group Lessons
ages 8 & up, $72, BYO Guitar
Chess, Intermediate to Advanced
ages 7-14, 9 weeks, $56
Hip Hop/Broadway, Street Moves
ages 7 & up, $72
American Girl History with Kirsten
ages 6 & up, $58 + $6
Tap Dance!
ages 6 & up, $58
Early Math Fun
ages 3-7, $58 + $10
My First Science Classes
ages 3-7, $58 + $5
Parent/Tot Room, FREE, Open to ALL

4th hour, 9 weeks, varied times:
IEW Level C, Continued
2:00-3:30                 7th-11th gr, 9 w, $99
Technical Drawing                         
1:45-3:00                    13 & up, $78 + 14
Improv Teens
1:30-2:25           ages 12 & up, 9w, $68
Computer Programming with PYTHON
1:30-2:25  12 & up, 9 w, $56, BYO laptop
Cross Fit                                 
1:30-2:25                 ages 9-13, 9 w, $56
Recorder Karate
1:30-2:20     9 & up, $56 + $5, BYO Rec.
True Stories Behind Great Kids' Movies
1:30-2:25          ages 8-13, 9 w, $56 + $3
Machine Sewing
1:30, age 8 & up, $67 + $15, BYO Mach.
Chess, Beginner to Intermediate
1:30-2:25,ages 7-14, 9 weeks, $56 + $10
Cooking 4 Kids
1:30-2:25         ages 6-10, 9 w, $58 + $8
Arts & Crafts
1:30-2:25           ages 4-8, 9w, $58 + $10
Tots Ballet                                
1:20-1:50                           ages 3-6, $72

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